Central Inc

Doctor’s Connection

Doctor’s Connection

With innovation on the fastest track it has ever been for civilized society and the information high way becoming broader and broader, it is very difficult many times to have your story noticed no matter how worthy it is. Especially on a low budget.  Here at UniversePR Central we strategically tailor new innovative technology/service(s) stories so that they can rise to a level that not only reaches a targeted audience but does so in an educational and encouraging format.

Cutting edge techniques and services are continuously evolving requiring new approaches for media transformation.  Our goal is to educate the general public about the availability of these new techniques and services all the while making sure that our clients remain branded the experts in their field.

Strategy & Tactics:
To spearhead an effort to draw free media attention on the subject with our client being within the center of attention. Our clients enjoy the money saving aspects of this strategy while gaining the benefits generated by the credibility that is created.

  • Message Development— Due to our efforts and maneuvers our clients become branded as the “go-to” place for that technology/service.  
  • Press Materials— As developing stories come out on our clients’ ever-evolving technologies/services we skillfully posture a variety of Press Releases, media kits, in addition to other media materials to be placed with desired media outlets.  
  • Media Outreach— Our plan of action is obviously determined by our clients’ needs and wants; whether to go National/Global or just stay Regional.  We always strive to ensure optimal branding and placement in the news.

Results include but are not limited to such spots as :

  • ABC Local Affiliates
  • NBC Local Affiliates
  • CBS Local Affiliates
  • FOX Local Affiliates
  • Local Newspapers
  • National/International Newspapers
  • Top Ranking Magazines
  • Today Show
  • The Doctors show
  • The Doctor Phil Show
  • CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta
  • FOX News
  • The Guardian
  • Associated Press
  • CTV
  • Reuters
  • BBC World News